The Summer Club
TSC is a favourite with the children of the village! For the last week of the school summer holiday TSC bursts into life. Held in the evenings it is led by a team of forty or so volunteers. The children are presented with a programme of songs, games, competitions, quizzes, memory verses, comedy characters, arts & crafts and Bible lessons. All of this delivered in a fresh and enthusiastic way, making use of the latest audiovisual and computer technology. The climax of the TSC is the Saturday night barbecue where the children bring their parents and relatives for the announcement of the winning team.
During the summer months the regular Sunday School staff hand over to the Summer Sunday School team, ensuring that our children learn about Jesus every Sunday of the year. Our standard winter format knows change, giving way to team games, quizzes, singing, messy games, arts & crafts but always with a lesson from the bible at the heart of all that is done.